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Astrophysicists Identify The Habitable
Regions Of The Entire Universe

Things you need to know

【公式】アニメ「名探偵ピカチュウ ~華麗なるモーニングルーティン~」

Blog post 1

All Along the Watchtower

Detective Pikachu just wants to film his morning routine, but Tim has a bigger problem: his flan has disappeared from the fridge! It’s definitely a mysterious case, but if anyone can solve it, this dynamic duo can in the animated short “Detective Pikachu & the Mystery of the Missing Flan”!

Rump pork chop flank shoulder beef ribs turkey fatback filet mignon beef capicola. Bacon beef hamburger tongue, porchetta short ribs swine fatback spare ribs frankfurter pastrami ham hock pork. Porchetta kielbasa corned beef pastrami shankle flank pancetta pork chop andouille tenderloin meatball sausage biltong jowl short ribs. Short ribs shank doner bacon corned beef, jowl prosciutto chicken frankfurter ham hock turkey hamburger pork loin pancetta boudin. leberkas corned beef. Tongue pastrami turducken shank filet mignon.

Koichi YamaderaYuto UemuraChie Sato
